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Magnetic Drill Parts & Accessories

The tool of choice for drilling through steel and other heavy-duty metals, a Magnetic Drill - or ‘Mag Drill’ - can be used in many industries including steel fabrication, welding, construction, and many more. They range in cutter widths and depths to suit almost any drilling application. What makes Mag Drills so appealing is their portability - rather than bringing the heavy materials to the drill, you can simply take the drill to the materials. Saving time and energy. Evolution Magnetic Drills, like the EVOMAG42, feature an integrated cooling system for added safety. They’re lightweight but durable, making them ideal for large or small drilling jobs. Their compact size also makes them perfect for working in tight or awkward spaces. Our range of Magnetic Drill accessories means you’ll never be caught short on your next job or project. For the latest offers, savings, and discounts, check out our range of Mag Drills, parts, and accessories below.

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How accurate is a Magnetic Drill?

Averaging an accuracy of between 0.005mm and 0.001mm when drilling through steel, Mag Drills offer some of the most accurate metal drilling you’ll find on the market. Their stability and durability give users the spot-on precision they need time after time.

Who uses a Magnetic Drill?

Countless construction companies and other large businesses where metalwork is involved take advantage of Mag Drill benefits every day. But they can also be used by independent workers or other individuals.

How big of a hole can you drill with a Magnetic Drill?

Evolution Magnetic Drills feature annular cutters capable of drilling holes up to 50mm in width, depending on your choice of model and accessories.

Which Magnetic Drill do I need?

This depends on what you’re working on. Determining factors in which Mag Drill to use include hole diameter, drill depth, number of holes, work environment, and more. If you’re unsure, get in touch with us at Evolution - we’d be happy to help guide you.

Can magnetic drill magnets overheat?

Yes, if the drill is left on for a very long time. So it’s important to leave time between drilling jobs or run the risk of causing damage to both the magnet and the machine. Some magnetic drills, however, are equipped with cooling technology to prevent overheating. Be sure to check the specifications of your chosen machine to see if your magnetic drill carries this feature.

Can I use a magnetic drill at different angles?

Portable magnetic drills can drill vertically, horizontally or overhead. Their lightweight nature and strong magnetic capabilities give them a distinct advantage over similar drills as they can be positioned and fixed into place to suit almost any metalwork drilling job.

How do I choose a magnetic drill?

When choosing a specific magnetic drill, you’ll need to take several variables into account:

  • The diameter of the hole you’re drilling
  • The type of material that is to be drilled
  • The thickness of the material
  • The number of holes that you’ll be drilling 
  • The type of annular cutter you’ll be using

If this is your first magnetic drill, speak to one of our power tool experts. They’ll give you all the help you need to make an educated decision.

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